Lord Krishna and the great butter heist
Young Krishna, known for His love for butter, was often called "Makhan Chor" (butter thief) by the villagers. He always found a way to steal it from His unsuspecting mother and villagers. Why though?
As per Hindu legends, Krishna live among humans to show that He is approachable. He wanted to create the special bond with His devotees, that exists till today.
And how did He create that bond? By drawing some attention!
He lived in the village of Gokula, that had abundance of milk. But He couldn't steal the milk to draw the attention. Milk was harder to hold and run, whereas butter could be easily held or stuffed into His mouth, while running away!
He found a way to grab all the attention while eating His favorite treat.
Every villager, especially the Gopis (girls) complained to His mother Yashoda. But in reality, they all just loved Krishna's innocent smile and naughty eyes.
What did His mother do? She hung the butter from a high ceiling where Krishna's hands could not reach. But that didn't last too long. Krishna had other plans.
He would gather His friends and form a human pyramid to reach the butter. They would break the pots and enjoy the butter, much to the delight and exasperation of the villagers.
This tradition is today called "Dahi Handi". Every year on Krishna's birthday, participants recreate the human pyramid to break a pot filled with curd.
Did He achieve His goal?
Yes, Krishna's playfulness made Him relatable and endearing. The villagers saw Him as one of their own instead of a distant Deity. This created a bond with His devotees that lasts till this day.
Krishna lived, played and bonded with humans, making His stories the most popular among all Hindu tales. And due to this sacred bond, humans have affectionately passed down His takes for centuries.
By - Cuddly Gurus - Celebrating and honoring great Hindu Icons
We offer Indian cultural plush toys that recreate great Indian icons and will delight your little ones. Great Ganesha and Humble Hanuman capture the beauty and perfection of these superheroes and can sing five mantras with a gentle touch to their belly. All of our cultural soft toys are made with care and devotion and accompanied by Hindu storybooks carefully crafted to engage young minds through simple, yet colorful storytelling.